In the grades 3-6 we have a student council. The Officers are from the fifth and sixth grade, but third and fourth grades also have a representative. They plan parties and help to plan Advent and Lent extra activities and whatever else may come up. It is fun for them to take the leadership in some of the activities. One of the teachers is the Advisor for the Student Council.
Oktoberfest is a celebration of the strong German heritage in our school, parishes, and communities. Students participate in a performance in which they sing German songs and dance polkas and waltzes. A local band provides music and entertainment for the evening as well. Brats and kraut, chicken noodle soup, root beer floats, and other treats are served. This is a fun evening for all ages and is held the Wednesday evening before MEA in October.
Student involvement: All students in grades K-6 will perform with their class at Oktoberfest. Students in grade 5 & 6 will also be expected to work a shift in one of the food booths.
Parent involvement: All parents are asked to work a shift in one of the food booths. In addition, each family is asked to bring a pan of bars, cookies, or other baked goods to be sold at the treat stand.
Every year the students perform a Christmas pageant portraying the true meaning of Christmas. The younger students form a procession of the Holy Family, shepherds, wise men, and angels featuring one of the newest members of the community as baby Jesus. Two performances are held, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, and are open to the public.
Student involvement: All students in grades K-6 will sing and participate in the program. Grades K-2 are involved in the Living Nativity Procession as well as singing.
Parent involvement: A committee of parent volunteers will serve refreshments in the school basement after each performance.
This is an event-filled week of activities celebrating Catholic Schools held the last week in January. The week starts with an All School Mass on Sunday. Students have different activities each day that portray a different aspect of their Catholic school experience. Fun activities are planned as well, including mini classes, preschool carnival, and dress up days. Check the school newsletter or bulletin for dates and times.
Student involvement: All students participate in the daily planned activities.
Parent involvement: Parents may be asked to chaperone various outings or fieldtrips. Parents are always welcome at school, and may have the opportunity to participate in Catholic Schools Week events.
During Holy Week every year, students perform the Passion Play, acting out the journey Christ took to his death on the cross and his rising. The students in grades 3 through 6 perform the roles and all the children sing. Two performances of this event are held and are also open to the public. Check the school newsletter or bulletin for dates and times.
Parent involvement: A committee of parent volunteers will serve refreshments in the school basement after each performance.
A special Mass with a celebration following is held for 6th grade students as they graduate. Shortly after graduation, the 6th grade children also have a special outing or field trip.
Parent involvement: A committee of 5th grade parent volunteers plan the celebration following graduation.
On the last day of school, several fun events are planned throughout the day. There are outdoor (weather permitting) activities as well as a picnic.
Parent involvement: All parents are invited come and participate in some of the activities that are held that day and asked to bring either a food or drink item. The school provides the hot dogs and buns. Check the newsletter for more information as the last day approaches.
Throughout the year, classes will go on various education field trips. The Kindergarten class has the following regularly planned field trips:
· Melrose Fire dept. visit: Students get to sit in a fire truck. Children are taught fire safety tips as part of their Fire Safety unit.
Freeport State Bank: Children are given a tour of the bank and are taught the basics of how a bank works and how their money is handled. This is part of their unit in learning about money.
· All school field trip: In the spring, the whole school goes on a joint field trip sponsored by the Freeport State Bank.
Parent involvement: Parent volunteers are invited to chaperone field trips and to occasionally drive students to and from field trips.
Every year the school has a float in the Greenwald Barley Days parade, which takes place the first weekend in August. Students and staff members ride on the float.
Parent involvement: Parent volunteers are asked to prepare the float and drive it in the parade.